Sunday, January 18, 2009

To the new year!

Here we are, 2009, I'm still 20 pounds over my target weight, still wasting my $50 per month gym membership opting instead for late night movie sessions and sushi buffets. Rejected at my first choice, but still saved a few hundred grand just for a major in marketing, wrote the college essay of my dreams, but still too lazy to finish the January 19 deadline for scholarships (which is oh, 2 hours away, I should probably get to that). Still envy all the skinny bitches down at the French Riviera with their 6 foot + physiques and a glistening tan line enjoying the 70+ weather while I freeze my ass off here in winter Chicago (just a few nights ago it peaked at negative 19, whoopee).

Where is this whole depository of frustrations headed? No idea, probably just another excuse to criticize my failures, 2008 resolutions that fell though midway March, or was it February? I haven't done much growing but I have grown closer to others. Still haven't fallen in love but sure felt like it was mimicked with the people I've been with (and no, it wasn't lust). Got serenaded for the first time by some piano variation of a Korean soundtrack by a pretty Korean girl with a quirkiness that keeps reminding me why I'd choose friends over family any time of the year, when someone's there not because of some paternal obligation, but of sincerity.

And so I'm entering 2009 with less expectations for more possibilities. To the fuckups I've made in 2008, may I hope never to return to that place. 18 is around the corner, college looms, and I'm ready to take it all in.

Still waiting =)